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Reznikov found a new job: what position did he get?

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In addition, he resumed his legal practice.

This information was reported by TG &#171 ;My Kiev», URA-Inform reports.  

Former Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov became director of «Security and Defense Programs» Ukrainian Institute of the Future. Co-founder of the Ukrainian Institute of the Future Igor Liski announced Reznikov’s new work. In addition, the ex-Minister of Defense resumed his advocacy.

It is worth noting that Igor Liski — he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the group of companies «Effective Investments», a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, a former deputy of the Lugansk City Council, an active public figure, an initiator of regional and national social projects.

«Now this is the most relevant direction, and we really believe that Alexey Reznikov will be able to give a fresh impetus in the field of defense and security of our country. We look forward to your ideas, thoughts and cooperation. We promise a new level of analytics, content and discussion», — Liski stated.

We recall that it was previously reported that personnel rotations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine: the commanders of OK “South” and “West” were transferred to senior levels.

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