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The curse of the pharaohs: what haunted the discoverers of Egyptian tombs

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The world of archeology has its own, incomprehensible at first glance, legends and myths, one of which is the so-called &#171 ;curse of the pharaohs».

This information was reported by T4, reports URA-Inform.  

The most famous curse, which supposedly follows all those involved in the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, began with the death of Lord Carnarvon. He died a few months after the opening of the tomb, giving rise to numerous rumors and hypotheses about an ancient curse. However, a scientific view of these events can explain the deaths by more mundane causes.

Medical factors

Scientists indicate that Carnarvon suffered from several chronic diseases that could have led to his sudden death. In addition, modern research has shown that many «damned» scientists died from common diseases of the time that were not adequately treated by the standards of the time.

Toxic compounds

Another scientific theory concerns the effects of toxic molds or chemicals that may have remained in the air of the tomb. Such substances could lead to serious respiratory problems or even cancer in the long term.

Psychological Effects

The influence of the so-called curse may have a psychological basis. Fear and stress from the possibility of violating the «damned» the tombs could intensify existing diseases or cause psychosomatic reactions.

Statistics and chance

Statistical analysis of mortality among expedition participants shows that the mortality rate among them is no higher than it would be by chance. Many cases where researchers lived to a ripe old age also confirm the absence of any mysterious “curses.”

The curse of the pharaohs, although it remains popular in popular culture, has not been confirmed in serious scientific research research. Healthy skepticism and careful research can help separate reality from fiction, allowing for the safe and intelligent study of ancient relics, without fear of mystical consequences.

Real threats posed by confined spaces in archaeological sites include the possibility of collapse, insufficient oxygen supply , the presence of toxic substances in the soil and insufficient medical care in remote places. These factors explain most of the «unexplained» incidents are more logical and based on facts.

Recall that it was previously reported how the name Wi-Fi actually stands for: the answer will surprise many.

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