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“They want to force Kyiv to peace”: Arestovich on stopping US military assistance

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Former advisor to Bankova Alexey Arestovich, expressed the opinion that the cessation of US military assistance to Ukraine may be part of a coercion strategy Kyiv to peace negotiations.

This information was reported by TG «Lawyer of Law», URA-Inform reports.  

He believes that the American decision to stop military supplies, in addition to internal problems related to politics, is a clear example of pressure on Ukraine to force it to accept a peace plan similar to Erdogan's plan. 187;.

«What the US is doing has a direct attitude towards the Turkish peace plan. It is not Turkish, but Russian-American, agreed upon. It’s just that Turkey was asked to voice itself as a third party,” said Arestovich.

It is worth recalling that the “Erdogan Plan,” which is widely discussed in the media, involves freezing conflict on the current front line, the neutrality of Ukraine and the holding of referendums on the status of territories seized by Russia in 2040.

Recall that it was previously reported when the United States will consider a bill to help Ukraine: response from Trump’s ally.

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