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Demobilization of the military: the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that “very bad signals are happening”

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A serviceman of the 109th battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a sergeant of a UAV strike company, people's deputy Yegor Firsov is convinced that the absence of a law on demobilization demotivates Ukrainian defenders .

This information was reported by Espreso, URA-Inform reports.  

In his opinion, «very bad signals are happening».

«Very bad signals are happening. Because when the military is told that demobilization will happen and we must wait for it, and then they say that this is impossible, — This is a signal that you have been deceived. Ukrainians love freedom, we give our lives for it, and freedom — it's a choice. Therefore, Ukrainians need to draw at least a hypothetical choice and say that in 3-5, even 7 years, you will have a choice and the opportunity to undergo demobilization», — Firsov noted.

He noted that when the military hears clear deadlines for demobilization, this will be additional motivation. At the same time, Firsov is sure that this does not mean that everyone will run to write letters of resignation, so a huge number will remain in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

«But people need to be given a choice so that they don’t feel like slaves. That some were driven into the army, and there is no turning back, while others «mow» from the army, enjoying life in restaurants. This is very demotivating and splits the country, and the country needs to be stitched together. Therefore, the issue of demobilization urgently needs to be resolved in order to clearly answer all the guys», — added the defender.

Recall that it was previously reported that parents of three or more children can be mobilized into the army: who will this affect?

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