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Instead of “Khrushchevka” buildings they will build “shmygalki”: the problem of reconstruction is brewing in Ukraine

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Ukraine needs to restore destroyed houses, schools and hospitals.

Epravda reported this information, reports “URA-Inform”.

It is noted that at the moment, more than 400 schools have already been destroyed. In order to restore the number of educational institutions, and even housing, the government decided to allow the use of standard designs.

That is, some designers have developed design documentation and upload it for free access to a special resource where other communities can take advantage of these developments for free and save time and money on the development of a building project.

The government has agreed that the same project can be used an infinite number of times. However, this decision received a lot of criticism from architects.

In their opinion, instead of various urban planning and architectural competitions, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to reproduce the Soviet experience of uniformity and mass development. They say that the “Khrushchev buildings” will be replaced by “shmygalki”.

Architects note that in this way cities will lose their uniqueness, and the desired savings will be extremely difficult to achieve. They explain that each object must take into account the local conditions, climate and even the socio-cultural characteristics of the place where it will be built.

For this reason, even a typical project needs to be modified. This was the case in Soviet times, standard projects were modified after each standard construction, because it doesn’t work out perfectly the first time.

“This is a defeat for the creative industry. There is no developed country in the world that has poor architecture and good living conditions. In those countries where people want to live – the USA, Great Britain, the countries of the European Union – there are no government regulations on the construction of standard houses,” say urbanists.

However, so far we are talking only about administrative buildings, schools, hospitals and so on. The situation with the resumption of housing is different. Mass use of standard projects is not yet planned. This is a colossal and costly work, and given that there is no money for new houses, the houses will be restored within the existing foundations.

We recall that it was previously reported whether Ukraine will have enough money for pensions and subsidies in 2024: Shmygal’s answer .

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