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In the Russian Federation, electronic summonses will be sent out and departure from the country will be limited: the media announced the date

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In the Russian Federation, electronic summonses will be sent and departure from the country will be limited. According to media reports, on April 27, the Russian government published a decree on the rules for the operation of two electronic databases — The Unified Register of Military Records and the associated register of summonses.

This information was reported by TG «Meduza», URA-Inform reports.  

The source reports that this document has been expected since the spring of 2023, when amendments on electronic subpoenas were adopted in Russia.

The military registration register will be operational from November 1, 2024. It will store detailed reports on those liable for military service. Messages about being included in the register and all changes in it (for example, about sending a summons) will be sent to «State Services».

Subpoenas will be posted on the subpoena register. When this happens, the person liable for military service will receive a message on the «State Services» (at the same time he will be sent a paper agenda). No later than seven days later, electronic summonses will be considered served – and the associated bans will automatically begin to be introduced.

The first ban is on leaving Russia (it will take effect immediately after the summons is considered served). If a conscript does not come to the military registration and enlistment office within 20 days, he will also be prohibited from registering as an individual entrepreneur, becoming self-employed, conducting real estate transactions, driving a car and taking out loans.

Now those liable for military service can leave the Russian Federation, since military registration and enlistment offices and the border service do not have a channel for exchanging information. With the launch of this registry, those who have been sent a summons will not be able to leave the country until they appear at the military registration and enlistment office. They will also not be able to obtain a foreign passport, notes the «Movement of Conscious Objectors».

According to media reports, if a Russian subject to military service wants to change his data in the military registration register, the military registration and enlistment office will check them. Until the end of the verification, the information provided by the person liable for military service will be considered unverified. It is believed that this will increase response times when trying to make changes to your military records.

Dodging conscription and mobilization will become much more difficult after the launch of the military records registry. At the same time, they doubt that the databases of the FSB, the Federal Tax Service and other departments will have time to synchronize with the register within the stated time frame.

Recall that it was previously reported that the Russians are preparing to open a new front: the expert pointed out important signs.
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