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In Ukraine, children are proposed to be sent to school at the age of 3-5: details

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In Ukraine, it is proposed to send children to school at the age of 3-5: so that they do not finish their studies at childbearing age.

Obozrevatel reported this information, reports URA-Inform.  

School reform has been ongoing in Ukraine for the sixth year, the introduction of the New Ukrainian School, which, in particular, provides for a 12-year education system. Children go to first grade at the age of 6.

The former head of the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Igor Likarchuk is confident that Ukraine should move to a 12-year secondary education system as soon as possible. However, schooling should begin not at the age of 6, as now, but much earlier – from 3-5 years.

“Ukraine is the only country in Europe that has not yet switched to 12-year schooling. This needs to be done as quickly as possible, since we are hopelessly behind other countries. The amount of knowledge that needs to be mastered in high school is no longer easy to fit into an 11-year program,” — he explained.

In his opinion, adding another year of education, grade 12, is not entirely the right decision. After all, in this case, children will graduate from school at 18-19 years old.

“ A year of study should be added at the start, that is, school education should begin earlier. We are perhaps the only country in Europe where there is no 12-year-old school. But at the same time we are bashfully silent that in other countries the countdown of 12 years begins at 3,4,5 years. So that graduates do not graduate from the 12th year of childbearing age. By the way, when they were just starting to talk about the 12-year plan, I personally insisted and convinced that one year should be added from below,” said the ex-head of UTSKO.

We remind you that it was previously reported that Ukrainian schoolchildren will be registered on a single register: what is worth knowing.

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