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The Cabinet of Ministers has updated payments to military personnel: how much will defenders receive?

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The Cabinet of Ministers has updated payments to the Ukrainian military.

This information was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine , reports URA-Inform.  

The press service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that one-time monetary assistance upon concluding a contract in 2024 will range from 24,000 to 30,000 hryvnia. According to the department, the minimum monthly salary will be 20,100 hryvnia.

The one-time benefit upon concluding the first contract in 2024 will be:

&# 8212; rank and file – 24,224 hryvnia;

— sergeants and senior officers — 27,252 hryvnia;

— officers — 30,280 hryvnia.

One-time monetary assistance upon dismissal will depend on the grounds for dismissal.

Additional rewards

— additional remuneration for participation in hostilities will be 100,000 hryvnia;

— additional remuneration for performing special tasks outside the front line – 30,000 hryvnia;

— remuneration to cadets for the peculiarities of training during martial law – 2,350 hryvnia;

— additional remuneration for instructors of training centers – from 15,000 to 30,000 hryvnia.

Other payments

— payment to the wounded who cannot perform their duties – 20,100 hryvnia;

— payments in case of captivity or missing persons – 100,000 hryvnia;

— payments for the destruction of enemy equipment – from 12,000 to 243,000 hryvnia.

Recall that it was previously reported whether Ukraine will have enough money for pensions and subsidies in 2024: Shmygal’s answer.

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