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The NBU introduced new money into circulation: what it looks like and what is special about it

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The National Bank of Ukraine has issued a new coin with a face value of 5 hryvnia. 
The National Bank reported this information, reports “URA” -Inform”.  

We are talking about a coin called “Europe Day”. It is noted that it symbolizes the unity of Ukraine with Europe, common values ​​and the desire for a prosperous and peaceful future, as well as solidarity in the struggle for democracy and freedom.

The new coin is made of nickel silver. The author of its design was the artist Natalya Fandikova.

On the obverse in the center there is a stylized trident, to the left of it — The official slogan of the European Union is “UNITY IN DIVERSITY”. On the right is a floral pattern that symbolizes the unique culture of Ukraine and its prosperity.

On the reverse on a mirror background — the acronyms UA and EU intertwined to create a visual symbol of unity. Below there is the inscription EUROPE DAY, around which — 12 stars — as on the flag of the European Union, which symbolizes the integrity, unity and harmony of European peoples.

The coin was available for purchase on Thursday, May 9. From day one, 25 thousand pieces were available. It will also be on sale on May 23rd. Circulation — 25,000 pieces.

Coins will also be sold at distribution banks. Circulation — up to 50 thousand.

We would like to remind you that it was previously reported that the Rada abolished fines for hidden offshore companies: the people's deputy announced the deadlines.

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