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Goncharenko made an unpopular statement against the backdrop of events in the Kharkov region: an important decision is being prepared

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People's Deputy Alexey Goncharenko told what steps Ukraine needs to take in 2024 in order not to miss victory in the war. He highlighted two urgent points that, in his opinion, the country should take immediately.

URA-Inform reports this, citing Goncharenko’s Telegram.

Goncharenko noted that in In light of the latest events in the Kharkov region, when Russian troops broke through the defenses, Russian President Vladimir Putin began to talk about the possibility of peace negotiations. However, Goncharenko is confident that there will be no negotiations before the elections in the United States.

“Key decisions will be made after the new American leader becomes known, but for now it is important for Ukraine to simply maintain its position,” — noted Goncharenko.

In addition, the deputy proposed two specific steps that, in his opinion, the Ukrainian authorities should take immediately:

“The first step — dismiss the Minister of Defense, the second step — analyze the actions of Commander-in-Chief Syrsky in the defense of the Kharkov region”, — said the people's deputy.

Goncharenko emphasized that in the war for resources, Ukraine is in a losing position, and therefore must effectively use the available resources, including not wasting them in vain at the border. In the event that the president is unable to carry out these steps, Goncharenko announced his intention to appeal to the head of parliament Ruslan Stefanchuk through the Rada.

He also emphasized the important role of the United States in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, noting that without American support Ukraine would have ceased to exist long ago.

Recall that Forbes answered whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces are capable of coping with Russian “turtle tanks.”

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