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Blocking of accounts for draft dodgers: money will be allowed to be partially used

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Blocking the accounts of draft dodgers: as you know, the new law on mobilization requires that all men liable for military service appear at the TCC to update personal data.

This information was reported by TG «All-Seeing OKO», reports “URA” -Inform”.  

It is noted that evaders will be punished with fines, and bank accounts will be blocked. However, some transactions on accounts will still be allowed.

In particular, the technical support service of Ukrainian banks reported that men liable for military service who evade mobilization will not be able to fully use their bank accounts. But the blocking of accounts in Ukrainian banks will not be complete. They noted that draft dodgers will be allowed to make cash payments on loans.

Blocking of bank accounts for draft dodgers will be applied in case of non-payment of fines for evading military service. This is the text of the new law on mobilization, which the people's representatives adopted on May 9. Thus, for men who do not update their data with the TCC within two months, new, higher fines will be applied in the amount of 17 to 25 thousand hryvnia.

So that after blocking the accounts of draft dodgers, their loan agreements do not become overgrown fines and interest, they will earn partial access to their money. Dodgers will still be able to transfer their funds, thus repaying the loan debt.

It is noted that the repayment mechanism will work in a special way. Special accounts will be created for draft dodgers to conduct such monetary transactions. This information is confirmed by a number of Ukrainian banks.

However, the question remains unresolved as to whether the executive service, at the request of the TCC, will immediately withdraw all earnings to pay the fine, or will they calculate only interest on earnings. Because even draft dodgers need to survive on some means.

We recall that it was previously reported that increased mobilization in May: what is the harshest punishment facing draft dodgers.
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