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Belarus is preparing provocations on the border with Ukraine: details from the National Resistance

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The Center for National Resistance reported that against the backdrop of the first joint exercises of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and military personnel of the People's Liberation Army of China, to demonstrate Beijing's strength, Minsk may be preparing provocations under a false flag in the border zone with Ukraine.

This information was reported by the Center for National Resistance, URA-Inform reports.  

“The Belarusian security forces plan to “successfully stop armed provocations” along the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, after which they will attempt to blame Ukraine. They want to resort to provocations that they themselves will successfully prevent in order to show their Chinese colleagues their capabilities,” the report says.

From July 8 to 19, the first joint exercises of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and servicemen of the Chinese army, which have the status of “anti-terrorist”, are taking place on Belarusian territory.

The Belarusian Defense Ministry noted that as part of these exercises, which will take place at a training ground near Brest, servicemen of both countries will practice night landing, overcoming water obstacles, and conducting operations in a populated area.

«At the same time, the units will be combined at certain stages, there will be no separate Chinese unit, or separate Belarusian one – they will act together», — said the commander of the special operations forces of the armed forces of Belarus, Major General Vadim Denisenko.

Recall that earlier it was reported that the Russian Federation is threatening to blow up the dams of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station and the Kanev reservoir: what the enemy has planned.

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