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Dangerous statements for Zelensky from Republicans: it became known what Sachs said about the war

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On the second day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, one of the most radical speeches attracted attention – the speech of an entrepreneur and long-time “donor” Republicans, David Sachs.

This information was reported by the American media, URA-Inform reports.

His speech was full of criticism of President Joe Biden and his approach to foreign policy, especially regarding the conflict in Ukraine.

Accusations of provoking Russia

One of the key topics in Sachs’ speech was accusing Biden of provoking Russia to invade Ukraine.

“He (Biden) provoked… yes, provoked the Russians to invade Ukraine with his talk of NATO expansion,” Sachs said.

Such a statement runs counter to the official position of the White House and many Western countries that support Ukraine and condemn Russian aggression.

Failure to restore the world

Sachs also accused Biden of abandoning peace initiatives, saying the president had rejected any possibility of restoring peace in Ukraine, including an offer to end the war just two months after it began.

“The war has been going on for three years now and there is no end in sight. Hundreds of thousands died. “Hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars have gone up in smoke,” he said.

Criticism of military strategy

The entrepreneur sharply criticized Biden's military strategy, arguing that the war in Ukraine not only did not weaken Russia, but also made it stronger.

“President Biden sold us this endless war with promises of weakening Russia and strengthening America. So how did it work out? The Russian army is now stronger and larger than it was before. And our own arsenals are dangerously depleted,” Sachs emphasized.

Fears of World War III

Sachs expressed alarm about a possible escalation of the conflict, saying Biden's policies are pushing the world to the brink of World War III.

“Every single day we hear new calls for escalation. And the world looks in horror as Joe Biden’s senile course pushes us to the brink of World War III,” he said. These words caused a strong reaction among delegates and participants of the congress.

Influence on Zelensky

Such harsh and dangerous narratives pose potential threats to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who relies on US support in the fight against Russian aggression. Sachs’s words may increase criticism of Biden and his foreign policy, as well as affect the perception of the situation in Ukraine both within the United States and beyond.

Recall that robots will fight at the front: the Ministry of Defense spoke about innovations in the Ukrainian army (photo).

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