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Even more taxes are being prepared for Ukrainians: an insider revealed what the Cabinet of Ministers wants to do

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A source in the Office of the President spoke about how the Cabinet of Ministers decided to correct problems at the expense of ordinary citizens of Ukraine.

This information was reported by the Resident telegram channel, reports URA-Inform.

“An insider from the OP said that those in power in the Cabinet of Ministers are preparing about 10 bills that will introduce new taxes for Ukrainians. Military training is only one of these,” — said at the beginning.

Then it was added that the authorities need to collect an additional 500 billion hryvnia. This need, according to the source, is caused by the fact that there is a huge hole in the country’s budget, not to mention the need to repay loans.

“The key burden will fall on the shoulders of ordinary Ukrainians. Representatives of big business have already lobbied for all the necessary benefits,” — the source concluded at the very end.

As previously reported, there is no income and property: how will fines be collected from such men.

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