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Pensions and payments in Ukraine may stop: an insider revealed what the authorities are considering

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A source in the Office of the President spoke about how dire the situation is when it comes to financing vulnerable segments of the population of Ukraine.

This information was reported by the Resident telegram channel, reports URA-Inform.

“An insider said that Bankova began to consider a format that would provide for a freeze or reduction in the payment of pension benefits. This will happen if there is a protracted war along with America’s refusal to finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” — said at the beginning.

Then it was added that the Ukrainian budget has a hole in the form of 600 billion hryvnia. If nothing changes, then, as the source said, in 2025 the amount will reach 1.5 trillion.

“Currently, Bankova is deciding how to reduce expenditure items in such a way as not to cause an explosion in society. After all, the authorities largely distribute funds for salaries for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The same applies to payments for combat deaths and pensions,” — the source concluded.

Let us recall what proportion of those with limited fitness are now considered unfit for service: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine responded.

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