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General mobilization: when dodgers can expect fines from the TCC for not updating data

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Lawyer Roman Simutin told who and when can receive the first fines from TCC.

This information was reported by TSN, reports “URA-Inform”.

According to him, fines (from 17 thousand UAH to 25 thousand 500 UAH) for failure to update military registration data are likely to be expected in a month, after August 20 or early September.

“At the end of August, somewhere after the 20th. If someone has already been sent summonses after July 16, then the first decisions can be expected at the end of August,” said Roman Simutin.

He noted that the first who will likely receive summonses to the military military commission in August will be those liable for military service who have updated their data, but have neither a deferment nor a reservation.

“Not everyone will receive subpoenas. The data was updated for more than 4 million 600 thousand people liable for military service. Half may have deferments, disabilities, and three children. A certain number have a reservation. That leaves about 1.5 million who supposedly have no basis. It is possible that those who do not have a deferment and reservation — they will receive subpoenas,” — says Roman Simutin.

According to Simutin, if a citizen has not updated the data, and there is no data on a person liable for military service in the Oberig register, then TCC employees will raise the paperwork and manually issue a summons.

“But such a person can be found at a checkpoint,” — the lawyer clarified.

Recall that it was previously reported whether men aged 18 to 25 years are subject to mobilization: explanation from the TCC.

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