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A new type of danger has been identified in Ukraine due to Russian aggression: details from the State Emergency Service (photo)

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In Ukraine, as a result aggression of the Russian Federation, a new threat has been identified – ball fragmentation aerial bombs “SHOAB-0.5”, which outwardly resemble small balls.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported this information, URA-Inform reports.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine warns about this. These munitions are especially dangerous because they may not detonate when dropped, but explode upon contact, which poses a particular threat to children.

One RBC-500 cassette is reported to contain 565 of these “balls”, each weighing about 400 grams. These fragmentation bombs have a wide area of ​​destruction, and some of them may not explode immediately after dispersal, which makes them especially dangerous.

Particularly alarming is that these explosive objects are silver in color and may attract the attention of children, since they look like toys. However, they can explode on any contact, causing serious injury.

Parents and teachers are strongly advised to show children pictures of these dangerous objects and discuss basic safety rules when they are discovered. It is important to explain to children that if they see a suspicious object, they should under no circumstances approach it or touch it, but immediately inform an adult or call 101. Following these precautions can prevent tragedies and save lives.

Recall that it was previously reported whether poisonous spiders are really attacking Ukraine: a statement from the Ministry of Health.

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