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Dangerous creatures have appeared on the beaches in Spain (photo)

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Tourists banned from visiting beaches in Spain due to the appearance of dangerous «scary» sea creatures.

This information was reported by The Mirror, reports URA-Inform.

It is reported , that authorities have banned swimming at two popular beaches after sightings of sea creatures whose stings can be deadly. The dangerous creatures, which look like jellyfish, have been appearing more and more frequently off the Spanish coast in recent years.

It is noted that dangerous jellyfish-like animals have been increasingly encountered off the Spanish coast in recent years. In particular, in June 2019, seven people suffered from bites from these creatures on the beaches of Benidorm, which led to the temporary closure of three beaches. That same month, 22-year-old Naomi Mateos suffered severe burns all over her body after one of these creatures stung her while swimming on Punta de Calnegre beach in the province of Murcia in the southeast of the country.

'I felt like fire or acid was being injected into my body,' she said after a two-day hospital stay.

The dangerous sea creatures known as Portuguese man-of-war are often mistaken for jellyfish, although they are actually a type of siphonophore, which are closely related to jellyfish. Their tentacles are equipped with special barbed tubes that secrete venom that can paralyze and kill small fish and crustaceans.

Although the bites of these creatures are rarely fatal, they can be dangerous for children, the elderly, asthmatics and those who suffer from allergies, causing fever, shock and breathing problems.

Recall that it was previously reported whether poisonous spiders really attack Ukraine: statement Ministry of Health.

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