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What product saves from arthritis: doctors said what to add to the diet

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Modern research has confirmed that fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel have significant health benefits, including brain health.

This information was reported by the Telegram channel “Doctor in the Pocket”, reports “URA-Inform”.< /p>

Fish is a powerful anti-inflammatory, making it a valuable aid in the fight against arthritis.

Omega-3 and Vitamin D: Your Defenders Against inflammation

Oily fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are actively involved in the processes of reducing inflammation in the body. These acids help reduce pain and improve the overall condition of the joints. In addition, fish is rich in vitamin D, which is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium and maintaining bone health.

Weekly diet: how to turn a habit into prevention

Scientists recommend including fatty fish in your diet at least once a week to significantly reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. If fatty fish is not always available, you can replace it with less fatty types of fish, such as cod, but in this case it is worth eating it up to four times per week. This simple change in diet can reduce the likelihood of arthritis by half.

Let's remember what to add to your diet to avoid premature baldness: advice from doctors.

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