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Kadyrov made harsh threats to Russian authorities: “We will stand up against these shaitans” (video)

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Tensions are growing in Russia between the authorities and the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.

This information was reported by the TV channel “Ukraine 365”, reports “URA-Inform”.

The conflict escalated after Kadyrov openly spoke out against the proposals of Russian deputies to restrict the wearing of Muslim clothing, including hijabs. The initiative to ban provoked a sharp reaction from the Chechen leader, who, having recovered from his illness, publicly stated that those who support such measures are “enemies of Islam”.

During a meeting of the Chechen government, Kadyrov openly threatened those who demand a ban on the hijab, saying he was ready to personally deal with anyone who told his daughter to take off her headscarf. This statement was recorded on video, which quickly spread across social networks, causing a wide resonance.

Kadyrov also said that he was ready to confront anyone who tried to limit the rights of Muslims.

“Whoever tells my daughter to take off her hijab, I will kill him immediately, I will shoot him immediately, whoever it is. This is an enemy, my personal enemy, the enemy of Islam,” Kadyrov said.

At the same time, Kadyrov called politicians and activists who oppose Muslim types of clothing idlers and promised that “we will stand up against these shaitans.”

It is worth noting that this conflict is taking place against the backdrop of a growing wave of migrants from Asia, for whom wearing traditional Islamic clothing is a common practice.

Recall that earlier it was reported that Medvedev called for a new war: this is supposedly the “only path” to peace.

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