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EU Develops Secret Plan: How to Save Ukraine If Trump Returns to Power

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The European Commission has formed a special group of officials to prepare for the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House.

This information was reported by the Financial Times, URA-Inform reports.

It is noted that the group is analyzing the potential impact on EU trade and defense policy if the former US president returns to power. The consequences of a possible presidency of Kamala Harris are also being considered.

According to the Financial Times, the team was created in the office of the Secretary General of the Commission, Ilze Juhansone. It includes a small number of officials representing the Commission's Trade, Competition and External Affairs directorates.

European allies also fear that Trump could make good on his previous threats to withdraw the US from NATO or significantly undermine the reciprocity clause. defense for countries it believes are not spending enough on defence.

The committee is said to be planning to step up its work in September and increase engagement with EU governments to exchange ideas on assessing the EU's potential vulnerabilities and mitigating negative decisions .

A similar group of officials that is preparing for a possible second Trump presidency has been created at the German Foreign Ministry, officials told the Financial Times.

Recall that it was previously reported that Trump has changed his mind about “ Biden's old age”: an unexpected statement from a politician.

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