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Poland closes one of the checkpoints on the border with Ukraine: what is the reason

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Due to border repairs crossing in the Polish town of Dorogusk (Lublin Voivodeship) will significantly impede traffic.

This information was reported by RMF24, as reported by URA-Inform.

The Nadbuzhansky department of the border service reported that the work will continue until November 14 this year. At the same time, truck drivers are warned about traffic complications and longer waiting times to enter Poland.

«The estimated completion date for the reconstruction is November 14 of this year. Until then, carriers should choose other checkpoints if possible. The work and the difficulties associated with it will begin on Monday» , — the report says.

It is worth noting that the day before about 300 trucks were in line to leave Poland for Ukraine through the Dorohusk border crossing, with the estimated waiting time to cross the border being 10-12 hours .

Recall that earlier it was reported that Ukrzaliznytsia announced the sale of tickets for a children's carriage: how the train will operate.

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