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In Ukraine, they came out with a rally against the TCC and the dictatorship: everything ended sadly (photo)

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As it turned out, an event that stirred up the public recently took place near the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This information was reported by the Telegram channel “Politics of the Country”, citing its sources in law enforcement agencies, URA-Inform reports.

According to sources of the press service in law enforcement agencies, two young men from the city of Korostyshiv, Zhytomyr region, went to a picket with a poster claiming that TCC continues to kidnap people.

The picket started at 18:30, and two men aged 25 and 26 took part in it. They openly expressed their concern about the actions of the TCC, which led to their detention. Moreover, one of the posters even read:

“War is not a reason to build a dictatorship”

Law enforcement agencies responded promptly: the young men were detained and protocols were drawn up for violating the rules for holding rallies. After the necessary paperwork was completed, the protesters were released.

Experts and human rights activists emphasize that such actions are an important indicator of public sentiment. They believe that the authorities should be more attentive to reports of alleged violations, and also provide citizens with the opportunity to express their opinions peacefully.

Recall that the Armed Forces of Ukraine shared information that will please draft dodgers: a serviceman explained why.

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