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Zelensky has a new plan for Ugledar: insider warns how they want to hold on to the city

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Source in the Office of the President spoke about the situation that arose in Donbass as a result of the actions of the Russian Federation army.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to the telegram channel “Legetimny”.

“The insider warns that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrsky, has decided to follow the instructions of Bankova representatives. He is sending reserves towards the city of Ugledar. The key mission – holding the city while Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky is in America,” it was said at the beginning.

Then it was added that even those who were urgently mobilized from sides of the TCC.

“Everything is being done to slow down the advance of Russian troops. However, the Russian Armed Forces are currently covering the entire settlement with FABs,” it says at the very end.  

Moreover, it is known that the situation in the Ugledar direction really leaves much to be desired, since, according to some reports, the Russian Armed Forces have already occupied some of the city's borders. However, not all representatives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces agree with the above, and claim that the settlement is maximally protected.

The insider also warned why Zelensky began talking about the world soon, and what danger lies behind this phrase.

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