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The US wants to force Ukraine to give up its territories: Harris' official statement

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US Vice President Kamala Harris condemned the growing proposals in the American political space aimed at forcing Ukraine to cede its territories to Russia.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to RBC-Ukraine.

Harris called the above-mentioned initiatives not only unacceptable, but also dangerous, emphasizing that they resemble the demands of the Kremlin. In her speech, Harris noted that such calls come not only from Russia, but also from some politicians and experts in the United States itself.

The main demand is the transfer of Ukrainian territory in exchange for the cessation of hostilities, which, according to the vice president, cannot be considered a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

“There is also a demand that Ukraine maintain its security ties with other countries. These proposals sound similar to Putin's proposals. But these are not peace proposals – they are proposals for capitulation,” Harris said.

She stressed that any solution that includes territorial concessions undermines the fundamental principles of sovereignty and international law, and is a step towards Ukraine's defeat in the political arena.

According to Harris, the danger of such initiatives lies not only in the direct harm to Ukraine's territorial integrity, but also in attempts to limit its sovereignty in matters of international cooperation and security.

“These proposals also concern demands regarding restrictions on Ukraine's foreign policy relations with other countries, which only increases the similarity with Russia's position and makes such initiatives especially alarming,” she said.

Against this background, statements have already been made by those in power in Ukraine that the mobilization age for participation in military actions can be reduced to 20 years.

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