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What will the weather be like until the end of autumn 2024: a weather forecaster told when to expect a cold snap

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The weather in Ukraine in September is surprising hot days and unusual phenomena.

This information was reported by Glavred, quoted by “URA-Inform”.

People's weather forecaster Stanislav Shchedrin told what to expect until the end of autumn 2024: will there be thunderstorms and rain, will the heat continue or will we face cold weather and frosts. Shchedrin noted that the warm weather in September is the result of global warming, which makes each year hotter.

In 2025, according to his forecasts, September may be even warmer, especially in the central, eastern and southern regions, while cooler conditions are possible in the north.

Shchedrin also gave forecasts for October and November. He noted that the first half of October will resemble September, although it will be 5 degrees cooler. The daytime temperature will be around +20 degrees, and the nights will become noticeably colder. More severe frosts and cold snaps are expected in November, with negative temperatures even during the daytime.

According to his forecast, this year autumn will smoothly transition into winter, with a sharp cold snap in the second half of November. Significant subzero temperatures are expected, especially towards the end of the month.

According to him, rain is possible in the western, northern and some central regions of Ukraine on September 28-29, but it will be warm. In the south, the temperature may reach +30 degrees. More abundant precipitation is forecast for the second half of November.

According to the weather forecaster, there will definitely be an Indian summer, as usual after the first cold snaps and autumn rains.

“Moreover, this year we can expect even two such periods: the first – in the first ten days of October, and the second – at the end of October, after the 25th,” Shchedrin summed up.

It also became known that Ukraine is threatened by a strong earthquake: a seismologist spoke about the risks.

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