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5 Signs Your Body Needs More Sleep

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Medical experts have identified five signs that signal that your body urgently needs to recover through sleep.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to the Telegram channel “Blog about health”.

A constant desire to fall asleep during the day

If you have trouble keeping your eyes open throughout the workday, this is the first sign that your body has not gotten enough rest at night. Constant sleepiness is not just a desire to lie down after lunch. It is systematic fatigue that can be accompanied by a drop in productivity at work and a decrease in cognitive abilities.

Problems with concentration

Sleep is one of the main factors that affect brain function. When you don’t have enough sleep, your ability to focus on important tasks is significantly reduced. This can lead to mistakes, missed details, and decreased speed at completing tasks. According to a study published by Harvard Medical School, chronic sleep deprivation impairs your ability to respond to stimuli.

Mood swings

Lack of sleep can make you more irritable and emotionally unstable. Mood swings, increased anxiety, or even depression are possible consequences of sleep deprivation. Emotional instability can negatively affect your professional and personal relationships, which in turn leads to additional stress.

Memory impairment

Research has shown that during sleep, the brain processes and stores information received during the day. Lack of sleep disrupts this process, which can lead to problems remembering facts, plans, and even familiar tasks. Both short-term and long-term memory suffer. This is especially important for people whose work requires analytical skills and perseverance.

Weakened immunity

Lack of sleep directly affects your immune system. If you often get colds or feel generally weakened, this may be due to lack of sleep. During sleep, the body restores immune cells that help fight infections and maintain your health. People who don't get enough sleep are more susceptible to illness and recover more slowly.

In addition, doctors have revealed several ways to cure a sore throat with cognac.

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