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The most harmful potato dish has been named: it can cause serious harm to health

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Among Ukrainians, dishes from potatoes are very popular.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to Рixelinform.

However, not all of them are equally useful. Doctors claim that among them there are those that can cause serious harm to your health. In particular, you should not eat fried potatoes. 

Doctors cite several important reasons:

trans – fats – for frying potatoes we use oil with a high content of trans fats, and this has a negative impact on the health of the heart and blood vessels;

a lot of calories —because of the frying process, such a dish contains a large number of calories, which leads to excess weight gain;

acrylamide is a very dangerous compound that can cause the formation of cancerous tumors.

Doctors say that healthier alternatives to cooking potatoes include steaming, baking in the oven, and simply boiling in water.

If you're not ready to completely eliminate potato dishes from your diet, try new options its preparation. For example, chefs advise paying attention to boiled potatoes with the addition of various herbs, a large variety of salads with baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, which can be served with meat or fish, as well as vegetables.

It was also previously reported that these signals indicate health problems: what to pay attention to.

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