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World leaders ignored Putin's birthday – Politico

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The leaders of China, North Korea and Iran did not congratulate Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on his birthday.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to Рolitico.

On Monday, October 7, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin celebrated his 72nd birthday. However, the head of the Kremlin received a minimal number of congratulations from international leaders, and his main henchmen, who provide weapons for the war in Ukraine, ignored the dictator's holiday altogether.

As Politico journalists noted, the leaders of China Xi Jinping, North Korea Kim Jong-un and Iran Ali Khamenei ignored the “holiday”. In addition, none of the BRICS leaders congratulated Putin for the second year in a row.

“Perhaps his gifts got lost in the mail?” the journalists joke.

But other “friends”, such as self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, did not miss the opportunity to once again express their commitment to the dictator.

“Your deep understanding of the historical mission of Russia, your personal responsibility for the fate of the people and the Fatherland have become a reliable guarantee of strengthening its statehood and sovereignty,” — Lukashenko said.

In turn, Kadyrov called Putin a “national leader” in his congratulatory message, and his birthday a “significant day for all of Chechnya.”

In addition, Putin was also congratulated by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

“We believe that at this stage, the need for consistent actions aimed at strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation in all areas of mutual interest is of particular importance,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, in The Hague, Russia was given a loud ultimatum: the fate of the Crimean Bridge has been decided.

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