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How much longer will Toretsk hold out: an insider revealed how dire the situation is for the Ukrainian Armed Forces

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Source from General headquarters told what the situation is with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass in the conditions of military actions.

This was reported by “URA-Inform” with reference to the telegram channel “Resident”.

“An insider from the General Staff warned that the Ukrainian army is losing control over Toretsk. The city could be completely lost in 10 days, as the Armed Forces The Russian Federation is being strongly pressured in this direction, while the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no reserves,” it was said at the beginning.

Next, information was added about the role of “AZOV” in Toretsk. According to the insider, this unit does not take part in defensive battles.

“They “They only carry out raids on the flanks, which do not produce adequate results. This is more of a PR move, as was the case with the counterattack on New York, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to make a breakthrough, but the unit refused to hold it,” the source concluded at the very end.

Against this background, Borrell has already answered how long it will take for the war to end if the West stops supplying weapons to the Ukrainian state.

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