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Ukrainian Armed Forces General Predicts Disaster at Front: “Only a Miracle Can Save”

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Former Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council General Serhiy Krivonos stated that if the authorities do not make radical decisions as soon as possible, the situation on the combat line could become catastrophic for Ukraine.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to the TV channel “Politics of the Country”.

“We need to understand that only a miracle can save Ukraine at this stage, if we do not draw real conclusions from the situation and do not change our attitude towards what we have in the country,” he emphasized.

According to him, the Russian army “is intensively forming assault units, and in many areas, at the expense of these assault units, which are transferred from other units, uniting such groups, they, clearly understanding where the weak points are, are trying, like meltwater, to break through the dam called the Ukrainian army.”

At the same time, the general believes that the personnel situation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is catastrophic.

“The fact that the authorities say one thing, and at the front something completely different – this is not the first day, not the first month, but now the situation has reached the point that it will soon be very difficult to fight, because the infantry, as the infantrymen themselves said, is starting to die out as a branch of the armed forces, because there is no one to fight, nothing to fight with and nowhere to fight,” he said. Krivonos.

Information also appeared about how much longer Toretsk will hold out: an insider revealed how dire the situation is for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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