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What Winter Will Be Like in Ukraine: Ptukha Told What Weather to Expect

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Forecaster Natalya Ptukha noted that although it is too early to make precise forecasts for this winter, it is possible to make assumptions, taking into account observations from recent years.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to Natalia Ptukha.

According to Ptukha, in the current autumn season, despite the cold period in early October in the western regions, the temperature is generally above the climatic norm. The number of cold days is decreasing.

«The second and third decades of October… We expect that they may be several degrees above the climatic norm. We will see, again, after the month has passed. We will analyze», she specified.

After that, with the onset of winter, forecasters expect (based on trends), «more and more periods with warm days. And fewer and fewer periods with cold days».

At the same time, Natalia noted that forecasters also do not exclude the possibility of:

— an influx of cold weather into Ukraine;

— an influx of arctic air into Ukraine.

However, she drew attention to the fact that their duration may not be too long. In conclusion, Ptukha added that there will still be certain periods of cold weather in winter, and we should prepare for them.

«Considering the last few months, when every month we had — above the climatic norm, and this trend has been going on for many years… Forecasters assume that this year there will not be such a harsh winter. But it will be milder», — summed up Natalia Ptukha.

It also became known when the heating season will begin in Ukraine: key factors have been named.

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