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Why the media started writing about Ukraine potentially giving up territories for the sake of peace: MP explains

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Western media continue to attempt to disinformation regarding Ukraine's position on territorial issues in exchange for NATO membership.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to RBC-Ukraine.

Another publication of this nature appeared in the Financial Times, where, citing unnamed sources, it was claimed that Ukrainian officials are allegedly leaning toward a scenario in which Russia retains control over the occupied territories, and Ukraine receives NATO membership in exchange.

Yegor Chernev, a Ukrainian MP and head of the permanent Ukrainian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, categorically denied these statements, calling them “fake news”.

He emphasized that such publications are part of an information strategy aimed at forcing Ukraine to negotiate that does not correspond to its interests.

Yegor Chernev noted in his speech that such information manipulations, which often appear on the pages of influential Western publications, can be a way to put pressure on Ukraine.

«We see that the Foreign Ministry has already officially denied conducting such negotiations, and personally, it is strange for me to observe such leaks,» the MP said.

In his opinion, this is a symptomatic example of how international players are trying to create the illusion of a negotiation process aimed at giving up Ukrainian territories.

Chernev stressed that such methods of pressure on Ukraine may include not only media publications, but also more subtle signals, such as maintaining the ban on Western missile strikes deep into Russia. This, he said, creates the feeling that the international community may set conditions for Ukraine to continue its support.

In his comments, Chernev made it clear that any talk of possible territorial concessions is absolutely unacceptable for Ukraine. He called negotiations based on such premises non-peaceful, since they essentially force the country to compromises that are incompatible with its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

«Such negotiations are not about peace. This is about an attempt to deprive us of our right to restore justice, he added.

In addition, experts once again warned whether military personnel in the Ukrainian state can travel abroad.

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