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Zelensky Seeks 'More Flexible' Approach to End War, Bloomberg

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Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is likely is seeking a “more flexible” approach to ending the war in Ukraine amid fears of diminishing Western support.

URA-Inform reports this with reference to Bloomberg.

< p>Bloomberg journalists emphasized that Ukrainian and “close to NATO” officials said that the Ukrainian president may be preparing to adopt a more flexible approach to ending the war.

What exactly this flexible approach consists of is not yet known. However, it will definitely not include territorial concessions to the aggressor.

«But with war-torn Ukraine heading into its third full winter of war, Western support showing signs of decline and no end in sight, Ukrainian officials have signaled they are prepared to accept that an endgame is in play, with officials saying they will not be named because the talks will be held behind closed doors,— the publication says.

In addition, according to Bloomberg, the partners have stepped up pressure for a more concrete plan that includes specific points that spell out how the war with Russia might end.

«Battlefield standoffs, tight budgets in the West and, above all, the results of the US presidential election in November have prompted the allies to take a closer look at a negotiated resolution to the conflict», — the report says.

According to one of the officials with whom the publication spoke, due to the fact that the Ukrainian victory plan has not yet been made public, Ukrainian officials are likely to use this “element of strategic uncertainty to move forward”.

As other officials told Bloomberg, US President Biden is “under pressure” to provide Ukraine with an official invitation to NATO, which will be perceived as a “potential trump card in any negotiations involving the Kremlin”.

Meanwhile, the media began to write that Ukraine may give up territory for the sake of peace: an MP explained why.

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