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How to Get Rid of the Stubborn Smell of Garlic in Your Mouth: Scientists Have Identified the Best Way

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Get rid of unpleasant odor garlic will help to eat certain foods immediately after taking it.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to Radiotrek.

Researchers have found that yogurt is one of the most effective means for eliminating garlic odor. It can neutralize up to 99% of the volatile substances that cause the unpleasant odor after eating raw garlic. In the case of fried garlic, yogurt also helps, but its effect is less pronounced.

«US researchers have found that a protein present in plain yogurt neutralizes odor and suppresses sulfur-based compounds that cause lingering odor& #187;, — the report says.

According to Ohio State University professor Cheryl Barringer, natural Greek yogurt is especially effective due to its high protein content. Flavored versions of yogurt can also be suitable, the main thing is to eat them right away. Among other products , which help to cope with the smell of garlic – lettuce, apples, milk and mint.

Recall, earlier it was reported, will protect against heart attack and stroke: the doctor said what should be in the diet.

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