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Portnikov on the mobilization of women and the reduction of the draft age: “Don’t have any illusions, it will happen”

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Journalist Vitaly Portnikov commented on the latest reports that TCC employees have begun to inspect concerts, restaurants, and shopping and entertainment centers in various cities of Ukraine.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to «Espresso».

“We must understand that as the war develops, this will all become more severe. We must understand this objectively if we agree with the paradigm of a long war from which there is no way out, so additional mobilization will be required,” the journalist noted.

He said that in the following years of the war, the government will be forced to lower the mobilization age and begin conscripting women.

“I have said many times that the conscription age will be lowered. There is no need to have illusions that this will not happen. If the war continues for another two or three years, the conscription age will be lowered; if it continues for five years, women will be conscripted,” he said.

Portnikov recalled that Israel has a practice of conscripting women and does this because of the large number of enemies the country has.

“Therefore, people need to prepare themselves psychologically for the fact that they will not be able to live comfortably in a country at war for the next few years,” — stated Portnikov.

Recall that it was previously reported, the issue of demobilization in Ukraine: the deputy made an alarming statement.

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