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How the war in Ukraine could end: Fico's scandalous statement

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Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said the war in Ukraine could end in a “second Munich” of 1938, which would see his country lose its territories.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to Aktuality.

Thus, according to the Slovak Prime Minister, despite the polls and American ratings, Donald Trump will become the President of the United States. In addition, he has repeatedly emphasized that he will be able to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours if he sits in the presidential chair.

“Peace with Russia will be made by Ukraine and the United States. And I am afraid that Ukraine will become a victim, just as we became victims of the Munich Agreement. That is what I think,” Fico said.

He added that Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky should prepare for something similar.

“It will be very painful, and I wonder what the point was in killing 100,000 people on both sides,” — he said.

Fico also believes that in order to end the war, Ukraine will have to give up part of its territory.

“Do you really think that the Russians will support the peace agreement and give up Crimea and Lugansk? It is quite possible that Ukraine will become a victim of the great powers, and that is probably how it will be. I am very sorry, but while they are mocking Ukraine, they are fighting to the last Ukrainian soldier,” the Prime Minister of Slovakia noted.

Welt also revealed Beijing's plans, why China wants to be a mediator between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

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