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Trump said he threatened Putin over Ukraine: what he promised to do

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Candidate US President Donald Trump said he had threatened Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

URA-Inform reported this with reference to The Wall Street Journal.

He noted that warned the Russian president that in the event of an invasion of Ukraine he would strike Moscow.

“I said, 'Vladimir, if you go to Ukraine, I'm going to hit you so hard you won't even believe it. I'm going to hit you right in the middle of fucking Moscow,'” Trump said. /p>

As Trump noted, after the threats, Putin allegedly assured him that he would not invade Ukraine. At the same time, the former US president emphasized that he has fairly good relations with the head of the Kremlin. In addition, he called Putin his friend.

«I said, «We're friends. I don't want to do this, but I have no choice.» I said, «You hit you really hard, and I'll take those damn domes off your head.' Because, you know, he lives under domes,' Donald Trump added.

At the same time, Trump again scares with the Third World War: the dates of its possible beginning have been named.

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