Leading experts say that regular consumption of spicy food may be a key factor in prolonging life.
This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to the telegram channel “Doctor in the pocket”.
It is noted that the above-mentioned thesis received convincing confirmation in a large seven-year study by Chinese scientists, covering more than half a million people aged 30 to 79.
The study participants were divided into two groups: the first group consumed spicy food at least three times a week, while the second excluded it from the diet. The results of the observations demonstrate a significant advantage for those who included spicy foods in their diet: the mortality rate among these participants was 14% lower.
The secret of the action of spicy food lies in a unique substance – capsaicin, which is contained in pepper. Capsaicin stimulates the production of endorphins, increasing overall well-being and resistance to pain.
This substance may also have an effect on reducing the risk of cancer by depriving malignant cells of an energy source, while healthy cells remain unharmed. Such a discovery may become the basis for creating new approaches to the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases, allowing the development of effective, safe methods of influence.
It is also important that doctors told how to identify the onset of gallstone disease.