• 17/01/2025 00:13

“Kvartal 95” got into a scandal with an advertising video: what unpleasant nuance did viewers notice (photo, video)

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Actors from the Studio “Kvartal 95” have prepared a show that will become part of the New Year's holidays for Ukrainians in 2025.

This was reported by “URA-Inform” with reference to Telegraf.

However, the announcement of the concert caused a mixed reaction due to the map of Ukraine without Crimea clearly marked. Journalists drew attention to the video presented on December 10, which showed a fragment of the map of Ukraine. At the 30th second, an image appears in the frame where the Crimean peninsula looks translucent, barely noticeable, which raised questions from viewers.

At this moment, the actress of “Kvartal” performs a song with lyrics that talk about “Russia's disappearance from planet Earth”. However, such a visualization of the map became a reason for discussion and criticism.

The announcement of the show initially appeared on the Instagram page of Studio Kvartal 95, but the video later disappeared. There was no mention of this video on the studio's other social networks, including Facebook. Ukrainians, however, managed to copy the video and spread it on their pages.

The audience's reaction was mixed: some users expressed outrage, while others said that such entertainment programs had lost their relevance after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

A one-hour story about the upcoming New Year's concert of Kvartal is available on the TSN YouTube channel, featuring jokes about family life, paying utility bills, and Ukrainian politicians. However, the controversial frame with the map of Ukraine without Crimea was not found there.

So far, Studio Kvartal 95 has not given an official comment on the incident related to the map. Meanwhile, according to some viewers, the video is being broadcast on TV, but the frame with Crimea is excluded. The situation continues to cause lively discussion among Ukrainians.


FIFA has also responded to the scandal regarding the map of Ukraine without Crimea.

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