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Why is laundry soap so popular: experts tell what it can do

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Despite the variety of modern chemicals, laundry soap is still valued for its effectiveness, safety and availability.

This was reported by URA-Inform with reference to

Its antibacterial properties make it indispensable in everyday life.

Using laundry soap:

  1. Floor cleaning
    Laundry soap does an excellent job of removing dirt from the floor.
  1. Plumbing care
    Soap will help remove stains and restore shine to plumbing.
  1. Disinfection of things
    Disinfects clothes and household items.
  1. Washing dishes
    An effective alternative to store-bought products.
  1. Anti-condensation protection
    The soap prevents drops from appearing on the walls and glass in the bathroom.
  1. Fighting mold
    The soap effectively eliminates fungus.
  1. Hand protection
    Soap can replace gloves, creating a barrier against germs.
  1. Laundry detergent
    Excellent for washing, especially for removing old stains.

Laundry soap is an inexpensive, a safe and versatile product that can easily replace many expensive chemical products. Try these methods and see for yourself how effective it is!

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