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What to feed birds outside in winter: what you absolutely should not give to birds

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In winter, it is especially important to take care about birds, because in the cold season it is difficult for them to find food.

This was reported by “URA-Inform” with reference to Aktualno.

Healthy food for birds:


What you shouldn't put in your feeders:

  1. Fresh bread: birds' digestive systems can't handle it. Bread can clog the stomach, cause inflammation or other problems.
  2. Buckwheat and rice: these cereals are poorly digested.
  3. Millet: acceptable in limited quantities, as it spoils quickly.
  4. Barley, semolina, peas: poorly digested by the body of birds.
  5. Leftovers from the human table: often contain salt, spices and fats that are harmful to birds.

By feeding birds in winter, you help them survive the harsh cold, and also instill in children care for nature.

It will also be useful to learn about the threat to humans posed by tea bags: scientists have warned what is in it.

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