• 16/02/2025 06:31

How to Keep Food Fresh Without Light: Three Easy Ways

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In recent years, power outages have become more frequent, and many people are faced with the question of how to keep food in the refrigerator when there is no power. Let's look at three ways to help maintain the desired temperature and prolong the freshness of food.

This is reported by URA-Inform.

1. Minimizing the opening of the refrigerator door.

If the power outage does not last long, the refrigerator can keep the cold without any additional effort. The main thing is not to open the door often so that heat does not get into the refrigerator. The less air gets inside, the longer the food will stay fresh.

2. Frozen bottles and cold accumulators.

If the power outage is predictable and will last for several hours, you can freeze bottles of water in advance. After the power outage, put them in the refrigerator. This method is widely used by housewives and allows you to effectively maintain cold. You can also buy special cold accumulators, which can be found in stores. They cost from 40 to 100 hryvnia. 

3. Filling the empty space in the refrigerator. 

The more content in the refrigerator, the longer the cold is preserved. If your refrigerator is partially empty, fill it with non-perishable items, such as canned goods. This will help create an additional cooling effect and extend the shelf life of the products. 

These simple and affordable methods will help you keep your products fresh in conditions of unstable power supply. It is important to think in advance about how to maintain the optimal temperature in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage of food. 

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