Every year on February 9, the world celebrates International Pizza Day. It is reported by Ura-Inform.
This simple but incredibly tasty dish has long won millions of hearts around the world. However, many of his fans have the question: why is pizza round?
The history of modern pizza originates in the 16th century in Italian Naples. Then it was called « the poor of the poor »: The peasants smeared the dough with oil or lard, added garlic and cheese, and then baked. Later, merchants began to cut it into equal triangular pieces, which made the sale more convenient.
There are three main hypotheses that explain the traditional round form of pizza:
Sacred symbolism of the circle
Since ancient times, the circle was considered a sacred symbol of the sun, light and life. People believed that round objects have a positive effect on the energy and general condition of a person. Therefore, many dishes, including pizza, were baked in the form of a circle.
Heritage of ancient Greece
Pizza prototype appeared in ancient Greece. Then, instead of plates, edible cakes were used. Their round shape was convenient for serving, since it allowed food to remain integral and attractive after cooking.
Technology of cooking
In Italy, traditionally pizza dough did not roll out with a rolling pin, but stretched out their hands , throwing and unwinding it in the air. Thanks to the centrifugal strength, the dough was evenly distributed, taking a round shape without the need for trimming. This method helped save the ingredients and accelerated the preparation process. Earlier it was reported why they make a dash on all tablets: and this is not just a decorative element.