Stress is one of the most obvious reasons that everyone knows about. But in fact, it can be an alarming symptom that should not be ignored. This is reported by URA-Inform.
You are nervous and not getting enough sleep.
According to doctors, the most common reasons for eye twitching are fatigue and stress. So if this is your first time, start with the simplest things: stick to a routine, get enough sleep, learn to reduce stress, try not to overwork yourself.
In other words, a twitching eye is a signal from your body: it’s time to get rid of stress and pay more attention to your own health.
You drink too much coffee
Another possible reason is excessive caffeine consumption. The advice is obvious: change your usual diet and reduce the amount of coffee, tea, cola, chocolate.
You lack vitamins
With a lack of vitamin D and magnesium, muscles do not relax completely and are constantly tense. This can cause cramps (especially during sleep) and eye twitching.
Thyroid disorders
This is a less common cause. If you have ever been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder and your eye starts twitching, you should see a doctor the same day, as it could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism. This is a fairly serious condition in which hormone levels increase, causing toxic effects on the body.
Let us recall that earlier it was reported about why rest does not help to recover and how to overcome chronic fatigue.