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How much caffeine is in tea and after what cup does the drink become harmful


Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, valued for its taste, aroma and invigorating effect. However, despite the benefits, it is important to consider the caffeine content, especially if you drink tea in large quantities. Many people believe that tea is less strong than coffee, but in fact, it all depends on the variety and brewing method.

URA-Inform reports this.

How much caffeine is in tea?

Tea contains caffeine, but the amount depends on the type and brewing method. On average:

  1. Black tea – 40 to 70 mg caffeine per 200 ml
  2. Green tea – 30 to 50 mg
  3. White tea – from 15 to 30 mg
  4. Oolong – from 30 to 60 mg
  5. Puer – from 60 to 100 mg (especially aged)

For comparison, a 200 ml cup of coffee contains 80–120 mg of caffeine.

How much tea can you drink without harm?

The safe daily intake of caffeine for an adult is 400 mg . This is approximately:

However, for sensitive people, even 2-3 cups can cause irritability, increased heart rate, or sleep problems.

When does tea become harmful?

  1. If you drink too much , excess caffeine causes insomnia, anxiety, and headaches.
  2. If you brew it too strongly , tea steeped for more than 10 minutes will contain a lot of tannins, which irritate the stomach.
  3. If you drink it before bed , even weak tea can interfere with sleep.
  4. If you drink it on an empty stomach , it may cause stomach discomfort.

It is best to drink tea in moderation and not to drink it late in the evening to avoid negative consequences.

Read also: what signs indicate the need to get tested for diabetes.


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