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Which two products will slow down aging by 15-20 years: the secret of anti-aging food from scientists


Cosmetic procedures can only temporarily hide age-related changes, but not stop the aging process itself, URA-Inform reports.

However, according to scientists, there are products that can slow down this process and help maintain youth for many years.

Bone broth is a source of collagen and good health

This product is rich in vitamins and minerals, which together create a powerful rejuvenating effect. The broth contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins. However, its main advantage is natural collagen – a protein that is responsible for the elasticity and flexibility of the skin, preventing wrinkles.

In addition, collagen strengthens connective tissue and makes bones stronger, protecting them from destruction and loss of calcium. To get the maximum benefit, it is important to cook the broth correctly.

Rosehip – a natural antioxidant for youth

This berry is the absolute leader in vitamin C content, which promotes the production of collagen and elastin. Regular consumption of rose hips can slow down the aging of the body by 15-20 years .

Vitamin C helps fight free radicals, the main culprits of premature aging. And vitamin A contained in rose hips speeds up metabolism, improves vision and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

In addition, rose hips are rich in vitamin E, which:
Slows down the aging process.
Accelerates cell regeneration.
Maintains muscle tone.

According to scientists, all the microelements and vitamins in rose hips are in an easily digestible form. This makes it a real superfood for youth, health and beauty.


By adding bone broth and rose hips to your diet, you can not only improve your health, but also prolong the youth of your skin, maintain energy, and strengthen your body. These products are natural allies in the fight against aging, available to everyone.

Let us recall that earlier it was reported about which berry helps to preserve vision: research and recommendations of doctors.


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