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The Pope at the Christmas Mass asked for peace, including in Ukraine

Папа Римский на рождественской мессе попросил о мире, в том числе в Украине

Pope Francis, photo: Getty Images

Pope Francis called for peace at his Christmas Mass, remembering people in different parts of the world who are suffering because of war, the pontiff called for an end to conflicts, political, social or military, in places such as Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Source : “European Truth” with reference to Reuters

Direct speech : “How many innocent people are killed in our world! In the womb of their mothers, in the odysseys made in despair and in search of hope, in the lives of all those little children whose childhood was destroyed by war. They are the little Jesuses of the present.”

Details : He said children who die in wars, including in Gaza, are the “little Jesuses of the present” and that Israeli strikes in the strip are reaping a “terrible harvest” of innocent civilians.

He said he was pleading for an end to hostilities that are causing civilian casualties and calling for a solution to the desperate humanitarian situation in Gaza by opening up humanitarian access.

At the same time, the pontiff said that his “heart grieves for the victims of the disgusting attack on October 7” by Hamas on Israel and again called for the release of hostages in the hands of terrorists.

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