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The Russians launched a missile strike on Konotop: they damaged a residential building and a service station, there were wounded

Россияне нанесли ракетный удар по Конотопу: повредили жилой дом и СТО, есть раненые

Illustrative photo from Telegram State Emergency Service

Russian invaders struck the city of Konotop in the Sumy region early in the morning of December 29, damaging an apartment building and a service station, injuring three people.

Source : Sumy Regional Military Administration on Telegram

Verbatim OVA : “The enemy previously launched a missile strike on Konotop. As a result of the shelling, three people were injured, an apartment building and a car service station were damaged. A car caught fire.”

Details : It is reported that all necessary services are working at the impact site.

The information is being clarified.

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