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Compensation for living expenses: who can get what documents are required?

During the war, Ukraine continues to operate a program within which veterans can withdraw compensation thank you for the bath Vlasnogo zhitlo.

RBC-Ukraine informs about this from the right veterans of Ukraine to the press service of the Ministry.

In Ukraine the right to compensation for the addition of a healthy life looms:

In order to apply for an apartment, you must submit the following documents:

To claim compensation it is necessary to submit such documents :

How to get your life back for the lost compensation

In order to buy a living for a refunded compensation, you need to return it. Then it is necessary to conclude a purchase and sales agreement with the seller and give a copy of the agreement to the social security authority.

After this, withdraw the letter from the social security authority to re-insure the seller’s funds You must submit a valid application to Oschadbank.

The right of ownership of your life must be completed within 30 days.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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